
Operating at the Intersection of Technology and the Capital Markets

Tag: fraud detection

  • Corporate Fraud

    We plan to publish content on companies we believe are fraudulent. We will focus on small-cap companies as it is easier to move the needle there versus mid-cap and large-cap companies. Case in point, when we did work on Cintas (CTAS) in 2017 nobody seemed to care that Cintas regularly overbilled customers to goose reported…

  • Facebook and The Blockchain

    Here is our follow-up to our recent article Facebook Will Be Next. We have stated on a number of occasions that social media companies such as Meta/Facebook and Twitter overstate the number of active users given that the active user metric is a self-reported figure and given that no outside firm has the ability to…

  • A “FinTech” Approach To Election Technology

    If state election commissions and state legislatures would have adopted voting technology platforms that mimic the Trade Order Management/ Execution Management financial technology systems available on the market today, much of the drama around the 2020 General Election could have been avoided. Many electronic voting systems lack full auditability and therefore leave themselves exposed to…

  • Square’s Cash App Has A Fraud Problem

    We compared a number of Fintech apps in the Google Play Store. Square’s Cash App ranked #7 (See our analysis for Fintech rankings). Venmo failed to rank in the top 600. Recent Cash App user reviews from the same Google Play Store analysis suggest Cash App is frequently hacked. View our analysis by clicking the…

  • Fraud – A Sign of The Times

    Fraud always spikes during frothy markets. If it feels like we are beating you over the head as it relates to Quality CEOs and CEO Integrity it is because we are. High Quality, High Integrity CEOs are the best preventive measure against getting burned by fraudulent companies. 2020 has delivered massive equity market valuation froth…

  • There Is No Substitute For In-Person Due Diligence

    This week Wirecard announced that EUR 1.9 billion of cash is missing. A trip to the company’s profit center would have spared investors from suffering a major headache and major losses. The Financial Times put forth a detailed case about Wirecard’s red flag-waving accounting practices in its October 2019 article: “Wirecard’s suspect accounting practices revealed,”…