
Operating at the Intersection of Technology and the Capital Markets

Content Wars & Investing for Tomorrow

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Not Apples to Apples but the Below Tells A Story..

  • YouTube (GOOG): More than 1.9 billion logged-in YouTubers each month. 200 million+ logged-in users watch people play games on YouTube each day. (YouTube/Stadia has one foot in today and one in tomorrow with traditional content and video games on the platform).
  • Netflix (NFLX): 139 million subscribers; (traditional content)
  • Hulu: 25 million subscribers; (traditional content)
  • Twitch (AMZN): 15 million daily active users (“DAUs”); (video games)
  • ESPN+ (DIS): 2+ million subscribers; (traditional content)
  • Apple’s New Content Service (AAPL): Another traditional content player. Where is management’s focus on “tomorrow”?